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Writer's pictureMary G. Stokes

JEVERA achievements in 2021. Spoiler: near 65K man-hours tracked and 10 projects completed

Updated: Jun 6

The end of the year is the traditional time for holiday shopping and analyzing the outgoing year. There is always a certain amount of magic in the process of analyzing both individual and business results, isn't it? I mean, you sit down, make yourself a cup of black coffee with no sugar, and start looking at the numbers and achievements. It helps realize how many things were done during the year and identify bottlenecks.

Yes, everyone tracks interim results, makes quarterly reports. Even so, there is always something special about making annual calculations. Now, time for the JEVERA team to look back at 2021 and give a little review of the main goals reached.

While collecting the data, I went to my associates from various teams like PMO, business development, tech league, and the C-suite. Everyone has contributed to this quite impressive list of achievements. Some of them I would like to share with you.

JEVERA is about the partnership

In 2021, we expanded our partnership with four loyal customers. They represent medium and large retail, telecom, and tech enterprise from Ukraine, the USA, Switzerland, and Belgium. Some of the projects we started together this year are already in production, some are undergoing performance testing.

JEVERA started developing joint digital products that are already live. Our customers became business partners. It's adorable to realize that your partners take you not as a team of coding hands but as experienced heads who can offer valuable business solutions.

Partnership achievements 2021

No external affairs could stop ten projects from going into production in 2021. About 3K Ukrainian companies have already started using the product developed by our team, and soon their number will increase to 5K+.

Thank you for your trust!

By the way, in total for the year, our technical teams tracked a whopping 64,588 man-hours.

JEVERA is about people

"JEVERA for me means each of you," admitted Anna Tyschenko, the CEO of JEVERA, at our summer party. Twenty-two cool people have joined our team in 2021. Most of them are developers, of course: 14. Geographically, you can find us in the USA, Poland, Georgia, Cyprus, and Ukraine. For two years now, we've been acting as a distributed enterprise - without being tied to specific locations.

People achievements 2021

This year, we also had a replenishment among the C-suite: Iryna Manukovskaya joined us and holds the position of the forces of progress: Chief of marketing & strategy. By the way, now we have 40% of women among the leaders.

JEVERA is about social responsibility

2021 was the year of knowledge and transformation. During these 365 days, we participated in dozens of meetups. Our experts could meet students of tech universities and tell them more about the current IT reality, share their knowledge in design, programming, project management, and marketing.

This year JEVERA made a strong-willed decision - to abandon the traditional holiday presents for clients and partners. We decided to invest the budget in helping other people gain knowledge and migrate to a better future. We established the JEVERA Scholarship and partnered with the University of the Third Age (for students 65+) Proton. Olena Kvita, a very smiling person with a proactive attitude and a desire to move forward, received the annual scholarship. More details about the University and how you could join the initiative you can find here. Let's change this world together!

Social achievements 2021

In fall 2021, we launched a series of first aid training sessions for our associates and their families. Experienced coaches trained us to help people that have a stroke and seizures and perform CPR. We all very much hope that there will be no need to apply this knowledge in practice. Take care of yourself!

2021 was challenging but productive. We performed growth in all key indicators, somewhere less, somewhere more. The show must go on, and many more challenges and new achievements await us in 2022.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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